
Sanrex is a Japanese company founded in 1933 which currently has more than 1500 employees. The company covers two sectors: semiconductors (power module and discrete power) and power supply (entertainment sector, infrastructure / equipment, environment / energy).
SANREX products, which support power electronics in a variety of industries, are now widely used as indispensable parts not only in switching power sources, inverter equipment and power regulators, but also in home appliances. 
The characteristics of SANREX products are:
- Development of high breakdown voltage and large current with low losses. Unlike the planar type chips currently popular in the semiconductor industry, a chip with a mesa structure is used which couples a high breakdown voltage with a low loss in the same chip.
- Unique process and packaging technology for high reliability. The unique process and packaging technology has been highly evaluated in industrial applications where long-term reliability is required.

Company profile


- Long Time Experience Producer
- Japanese Quality Materials
- Professional quality products



· Diode (Soft/Fast Recovery,Shottky Barrier and Rectifier)
· 3-Phase (Diode, Diode+Thyristor)
· Thyristor(High current, Ak, PK/PD, SCA/SCE, PWB Series)
· Sic Mosfet

· Triac (Throught Hole,SMD,Tab Terminal)
· Thyristor (Throught Hole,SMD,Tab Terminal)
· FRD,Diode (Tab Terminal)

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